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Welcome Spring! 7 Fascinating Facts about the Season, plus, A Daytime PJ Quick Guide
Welcome Spring! We really have missed you. Winter had its moments of course. We loved getting cozy, sipping warm drinks and basking in a good old fashioned snow day. But Winter, we got to tell you, those gray, gritty snow banks you leave behind as a reminder of your perpetual return? We can’t wait for Spring to melt those away! Yeah, we know Spring can be just as harsh as you Winter, but Spring brings so much promise… even when it brings an ice cold rain!
There are so many interesting facts about Spring and it’s equinox, here are just a few:
- The March equinox that happened on March 19th heralds spring for the northern hemisphere while autumn creeps into the southern hemisphere.
- If you want to set that weather vane on the top of your house in the correct direction do it on the equinox because the sun rises due east and sets due west making it easy to figure out your north, south, east and west directions. As a matter of fact, this is true no matter where you live on earth – except if you happen to live on the North or South Poles.
- Speaking of east and west, the Great Sphinx of Giza will gaze directly at the sun on the Spring Equinox. An amazing accomplishment for the Egyptians considering that the Sphinx is one of the largest single-stone statues in the world…and that it was built about 4,000 years ago.
- April’s full moon is named after one of our favorite colors… pink! April’s Pink Moon is not named for the color it will be as it hangs in the night sky but instead originates from the pink flowers of the wild ground phlox that bloom in early spring in the eastern US and Canada.
- We can’t talk about the birds without mentioning the bees! Honeybees are more likely to swarm during this season and if you do see a swarm, don’t get too freaked out. They are the friendliest they will be all year.
- And, since we are on the topic of the birds and the bees, according to Facebook, a 2010 study shows that “Spring Break” isn’t just a time to party on the beach. It’s also a reference on a graphic compiled from Facebook status updates which revealed a surprising number of break ups during the season with a spike on April Fool’s Day (no joking)!
- Finally, with Spring’s longer days come brighter moods, it’s a fact that warm weather not only boosts our mood but also our memory and creative thoughts. A study from 2004 states that being outside in pleasant weather is a surefire way to refresh our mindsets.
Now that spring is officially here it’s not a bad idea to hit the refresh button on your wardrobe. Bring in lighter weight items and pretty colors. We think silk is perfect for Spring (or anytime really but especially for Spring!) because it is such a good temperature regulator. Not only that, but the shimmer and feel of silk just makes us sigh with relief from our sweaters!
Thinking of wearing a silk PJ set, Cami or Chemise during the day this Spring season? Here’s our quick guide for doing it right…
- Pj’s or nightgown during the day? Of course, add a light spring trench or shift coat over your Pj set to add glamor to your daytime look
- Mix up your fabrics so you don’t look too matchy-matchy is okay, a silk pj top with soft cotton T? Perfect!
- A seamless bra is a must under your silk cami. Just like panty lines, bras will show a lot of seams, clasp and slides under that silk so always choose seamless under your cami top or chemise when wearing out.
- A Tailored shirt and/or jacket will keep a pair of flowing silk pj bottoms from looking dressed down. PJ bottoms are cut to be roomy so adding tailored pieces polishes up the look.
- Want to look “casualiscious” for your next outing? Pair pj bottoms with a t-shirt and flats or cute sneaks, you can’t go wrong!
- Never wear wrinkled silk. It will look as if you just rolled out of bed! Ironing silk is okay but always at low temperatures and on the opposite side of the garment. Steaming is okay too.
- Wear undergarments that match your skin tone. This will avoid a peep show with light colored silks.
- Take good care of your silk and it will always look great. Silk is a strong fabric and can stay breathtakingly gorgeous for quite a long time with the right care (kind of like our bodies as well)! Taking good care of silk is easier than you think, we explain how to in our Silk Care Guide.
So, thank you Spring! We look forward to re-setting our mindsets, enjoying longer days and warmer weather, refreshing our wardrobes and all of those spring flowers! We’ll see you in the next blog.
Deb Fries works with the Julianna Rae team to offer the best shopping experience for quality silk and cotton sleepwear while also writing for the blog at