Julianna Rae




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#tbt – Perennial Secrets … for a gorgeous garden!

Start with planting one of our lovely models right in the middle of your garden!  If our model wasn’t fabulous enough on her own, she is sporting our Perennial Secrets Silk Chemise in the oh so appropriately named Sage color and made from the oh so eco-friendly mulberry silk fabric we have exclusively milled for us. This nightgown was so popular that it even made …

Julianna Rae Catalog Cover with Perennial Secrets Silk Chemise

… the cover shot of our catalog when we used to make catalogs (remember them? Think of what a tough day your mail person had, especially around the holidays, when they had to deliver all those catalogs. Oh, but now they have to deliver all those online orders!)

A chemise that goes from power lounging to gardening? Sign me up!

Let us digress a little because this is a throwback Thursday post: our favorite part about these photos is that it was taken when we were a small friends and family operations. The photo shoot was done at a friends house, the model was another friend, and all the props and sets were created with the muscle and wo/man power of even more friends! And the photos – yep, taken by the head designer. Okay, done with the digression.

While we do have customers still asking whether we can bring back this silk nightgown so it really can be a perennial, we love making new nightgowns like our Sofia Silk Chemise!

Sofia Silk Chemise in color Roca

Now, what’s on your wishlist for chemises and nightgowns?

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