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Cherishing the Slow, Sweet Surrender of Summer

Didn’t this August speed by like an ice cream cone melting in Death Valley?  It’s unbelievable that we’re in the last week of August! But don’t despair; it’s not over yet; we still have a few weeks left of those “lazy days of summer” to enjoy.  Of course, if you’re over it, then just head over to your local store, and you’ll quickly find the unofficial symbols of fall like Halloween candy and Pumpkin Spice everything cluttering the aisles as a reminder that a new season is on its way.

Forget about Halloween for now, because even with the long Labor Day weekend coming, I’m still planning on wearing my white espadrilles until the very last day of the season.  Come September 24th, when I kick those babies off, I’m hoping to have enjoyed all the beauty and sweetness that only summer can offer.  If you find yourself wondering how to enjoy the waning days with less than a month to go, take a look at my recommendations for savoring every last minute…

Walk in the grass barefoot!

On a sultry day, how can the grass remain so cool?  Go on and kick the espadrilles off for this one!  Wiggle your toes to feel the lush carpet, and close your eyes to smell its splendor. Photo by Anna Nekrashevich on Pexels.com

Swing in a hammock or swing in a swing

Let the motion lull you to sleep for a midday nap, feel the gentle breeze—that’s what hammocks are all about!  If you don’t have one, jump on the nearest swing at a playground.  When was the last time you saw a sad kid on a swing? Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

Take a walk on the beach

And when you’re done, take a rest, push your toes way deep in the sand, feel its warmth, close your eyes, smell the salt in the air, and listen to the waves rush onto the beach. Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Take a spin

Grab a bike and go for a ride in the neighborhood.  Enjoy the sights, wave hello to your neighbors, listen to the birds, and feel the wind in your hair. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

Sip a cold drink

Relax on the porch with a cold drink and a good book.  Does it get any more summery than that? Try these refreshing and non-alcoholic drinks:

  1. Cranberry Basil Spritzer
  2. Lemon and Mint Slushy
  3. Cucumber, Lemon and Mint Fizz

Speaking of books…

Summer reads are luscious!  Fantasy reads, easy reads, romances, or heavy tomes, whatever your favorite subject is, summer offers more time for digging into a good book.  I still want to read…

The Boston Girl A Novel – Anita Diamant

The Sweetness of Doing Nothing – Live Life the Italian Way with Dolce Far Niente

The True Love Experiment – Christina Lauren


That’s right, summer is for indulgence!  Ice cream is great, but it’s better during the summer, and better still… Purchase something sweet from the ice cream truck.  Go on a picnic and fill the picnic hamper with exotic foods, cheeses, and fresh, in-season fruits.  Make a luscious summer dessert like strawberry shortcake and eat it under the stars. Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels.com

Look up at the stars

Throw down a cozy blanket, some fluffy pillows, nestle in, and find the constellations.  Photo by Neale LaSalle on Pexels.com

Pitch a tent

With so many upscale camping supplies, there is no need to suffer while camping.  Sleeping in the wild is empowering, and spending time in nature will wake up your senses.  Sip coffee from a campfire and go to bed with a belly full of smores. Photo by Xue Guangjian on Pexels.com

Drive-in movies

Are there any of these left anymore?  Make your own with a sheet and projector, and absolutely make sure to watch in your pajamas! Photo by Efecan Efe on Pexels.com

Wow, I love this list so much; once I got started I just couldn’t stop. Thankfully, there is still time this summer to take part in all of them!  Did I leave out an activity that is quintessential summer to you?  Go on, get your own summer on before it’s all gone, and we’ll see you in the next blog!

Deb Fries works with the Julianna Rae team to offer the best shopping experience for quality silk and cotton sleepwear while also writing for the blog at Juliannarae.com.

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